Monday, March 3, 2014

Evolving with the Radio-centric life

Mother (of 90s): Hey Where is my transistor(shorty for the transistor radio)?!? (almost screaming from Kitchen)
Daughter (peeping into her clothes rack shouts (literally) back): I am having it ...going to have my I am taking it inside....
Mother: That is my radio...give it back to me in Kitchen ...That's how I keep track of time......(she still is happy that her daughter has inherited the habit of listening to radios)


Son (very early in the morning): Where is your i-phone?!?
Mother (from the "same" kitchen): It is here only …what is the matter?
Son: I want to watch Rescuebots. GIVE ME THAT... (Of course in top of his voice)
Mother: (Shouts back if she has time or yields in if she has no time to spare for the combat): [mumbles to herself]...That's the only thing I have to track the time.....

The impact (positive/negative)  of the modern technologies pertaining to Apple, Inc related products is highly arguable. I am not getting more into that since it is out of the scope of this blog let ;-) 

Aim: I am taking few citations and common scenarios to illustrate that the Radio had/(possibly)has the great role in molding the successful person. Does that sound as a over-exaggeration??!?! I can justify with appropriate equations.

Some Quotes for RHS (Who is successful person?!?!?) : 

  • Success isn't measured by money or power or social rank. Success is measured by your discipline and inner peace. - Mike Ditka
- Inner peace (or peace of mind) refers to a state of being mentally and spiritually at peace, with enough knowledge and understanding to keep oneself strong in the face of discord or stress.

  • The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire; the size of your dream; and how you handle disappointment along the way.- Robert Kiyosaki
    - Radio helps you to handle disappointment as in reality.

    • Most of the successful people I've known are the ones who do more listening than talking. - Bernard Baruch
    - Obviosuly you listen to Radio ;-) 


    Ok, Lets map to the LHS and say hence proved...

    • Hypothesis 1: Inner Peace
    While you are studying for the most difficult exam of your life. Of course, with the radio in the background. You get a call from your friend that she overheard your teacher telling that question paper is very tough. You are distracted with the question "Can I finish reading the syllabus?” and the Radio announcer(RJ) says “The song for you to reflect your mood”

    Option 1:  Peppy Song (e.g) : "Vetri midhu vetri vandhu yennai serum" (from the movie
    Thedi vantha maappillai
    ) Obviously, it strikes  your chords and get you to work harder…

    Option 2:

    What  if one of the saddest song is broadcasted in Radio: "Kanavu kanom valakai yaavum"(from the movie Neengal Kaettavai)  - What a timing?!?!

    Do you shun away with your activities and get depressed?!?

     May be not!!! You are bound to be reactivated when you continue listening to the songs lyrics further till the pallavi…

    manithanae kadamaiyai indre 
    seivathil thaane aanantham “ 
    Even on the worst case; the next song or the next program is bound to rejuvenate your vibes with "your" kind of songs and get you to the restart your studying.

     Immaterial of you finish the syllabus, find the questions difficult; complete the exam with flying colours the song teaches you reality of living in few steps ;-) (If you bound to learn from it the easy way)

     Can I say “LHS=RHS”? Or we need more substantiations?!?

    Inner Peace – keeping oneself strong in the face of stress = in terms of motivational songs and lyrics immediately or sooner enough.

    • Hypothesis 2:  Handling disappointments

     Consider having a recorded CD of your very favorite songs; How long can we listen to just that?It is like a very planned, well settled life with no problems/issues.
     A transistor radio on the other hand is the replica of reality. One would not know
     What song is up next?!? What is up next in life?

    One's favourite song? ...Happy “only-Good" moments
    Or unheard song?!?...unexpected happenings
    Whatever it may be, we “used to” listen to it as yet-another one….get-over the situation

    How you handle disappointment along the way = Easy way to learn handling unexpected(positive/negative) things on the way = in terms of the suspense you have about the next song.As you could, it also gives the needed amount excitement to look forward for new adventures and things.

    Listening more than talking = Radio “had” programs which gave lot of new informations which “was” worth listening.

    I am not against today’s revolution in Radio industry. I am just convinced that the competition in the industry has kind of changed the way the Radio had influenced our living. We have predetermined set of songs we hear and re-hear.....rather we circle around the sequence of events we live and execute(this is not re-living)

    I say “Hence Proved” J

    any oppositions?!?! Pls comments

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