Sunday, November 10, 2019

Digitization - A perspective….

There is always more than one perspective or way to look into any aspect of life. Beauty and the complexity of the perception drawn on an object, concept or by an incident depends on many factors including creativity of the on-looker, epigenetics and the genes,and many others. It is basically how the mind breaks down the original information into a series of simple, easily perceivable data. The perceivable data, here can be different for different mind. Most often human mind maps complex concepts(every fresh incident or any new object) that it confronts into the simple terminologies in its known regime. Best demonstrations are the ambiguous images found with two or three images superimposed within each other as in the pictue below. The vase or two faces gets read by the mind depending on its caliber.

This blog is one such mapping to translate some basic electronic concept into another perspective. It talks about certain perspective to the communication (electronics) engineering terminology called digitalization and little inception into another denotation of the same.

Some Definitions:
An analog signal is any continuous signal for  the time-varying feature(e.g)  Sound vibrations in the air over time.
In the context of digital signal processing (DSP), a digital signal is a discrete-time signal for which not only the time but also the amplitude has discrete values; 

In simple words, Analog signals are continuous signals; digital signals are non-continuous signals as shown in the picture below.. The process of converting Analog signal  into digital signal is called Digitalization(or also Digitization).

Human mind inherently does digital signal processing and beyond. It processes any information in digital format. Call it Maths, music notes or dance beats. Although everything gets illuded as analog (continuous) information, it can be zoomed into the world of discrete digits.

Time: We have divided the contiguous time vector into centuries, years, days, hours, minutes, sec, ms, ns and furthermore. As we advance further technologically,  digitalization factor becomes bigger.

Entertainment, of any form of dance, music or play. They go by numbers. Can you imagine dance practice without counting the moves and synchronising. Music is math, undoubtedly. Quoting the famous Tamil poet Kannadasan: All the music that the World knows and every tone that is made up is born out of the basic seven notations(carnatic music). Music is often correlated to set theory.

Sports and Games: Every sport involves math and calculations. Anything from throwing a ball with appropriate force at the correct angle determines its trajectories and the course of the game and hence the victory. The victory numbers including goal, player runs and has statistics, numbers and probability and hence digitalization involved.

Communication: Modern day communication is obviously built upon on digital waveform of ones and zeros. But if you consider primitive communication mode - human languages.It is interlaced pretty close.It is easier to understand and appreciate the beauty of any language with the inherent knowledge of numbers. Visualise the sentence forming and grammar as maths equations waiting to be solved.

Numbers! Numbers!! Numbers!!!

We think, Visualise and Speak numbers. I have this habit of framing running sentences with three actions which gives rhythm while reading; thrill while writing and interesting as big picture.

Although the above mentioned and many more of the day-to-day activities/learnings/experiences seem like continuously woven action, it is basically the graph of series of discrete events marked against time in the scale of lowest order of time known.And human mind is digitalizer, at it best.