Saturday, May 28, 2022

Listen and validate

Vocalizing, talking, speaking, yelling are generally  forms of communication. Expression of experience/thoughts. But most of the time - they are not in a complete sense.It is starting to seem like the sign of pollution - noise pollution.
 On a general day's work: can we recount how many times we are sure that we communicated our complete thoughts/ideas with above forms of expressions to our closest companion.
If you think you did, each single time -then it is a bliss 😉. Jokes apart, how do we  ensure that they heard you out and  that the communication was complete. Did we Listen back to assess their understanding. On the receiving side, have we taken time to acknowledge that we did the listening part right. Primarily, doesn't everybody need a keen listener who hears it out more clearer than we express.
 Listening, here is starting to seem to be key to the amazing world of communication. 
 Communication happens (presumably) seamless and completes its tasks not just  because of the speaker but for the listener.

Listening is greatest form of expression and yields ways for overall growth. 
Listening to thyself - yogic
Listening to environment- observation 
Listening to nature- peace 
Listening to kith and kin - connection.
Listening to Associate - growth 
Listening is the underrated communication tool. So are the listeners

All hail listeners- Mindful ones!

The best listener who can possibly exist/should exist is oneself. The one tool that can aide with the process is writing/journalising. The greatest validation tool ever!

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